The series brings forth a sense of trust and adventurous spirit, reflected through the five members of the Straw Hat Pirates. That's why, whether you're a "One Piece" fan or not, you can still understand and empathize with the...
Over the course of Hulu's "The Kardashians," the series explored the central question of the family's dissonant fame: Can the Kardashian-Jenners, who rocketed to notoriety through baring all of their personal drama on reality television, leave that drama behind...
Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian Barker may be the eldest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, but they are also the siblings most often at odds with one another.
ver since "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" aired in 2007, the pair's tumultuous...
Taylor Swift took the spotlight at this year's VMAs.
The 2023 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) was the hottest topic in the entertainment industry on September 13, attracting the attention of millions of fans around the world. The entire cast...
"The Eras Tour": Waves in the hearts of Southeast Asian fans
In the dynamic landscape of Southeast Asia, the enthusiasm to secure tickets for Taylor Swift's highly anticipated "The Eras Tour" in Singapore has reached unparalleled levels. Within a mere...
After a bitter on-camera feud with her sister, Kourtney Kardashian Barker is airing out just who is behind the group chat apparently made for the sole purpose of complaining about Kourtney, the eldest Kardashian sibling.
The group text was revealed...
Jodie Turner-Smith has filed to end her marriage to Joshua Jackson.
PEOPLE has confirmed that the Queen & Slim actress, 37, filed for divorce from the Fatal Attraction actor, 45, in Los Angeles Superior Court after more than three years...
On the season four premiere of "The Kardashians," which aired Thursday, Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian Barker peel back the glitzy, business-focused veneer that's defined the family's Hulu series, speaking with the intent to maim.
During a phone call shown...