In order to effectively manage weight to help your child stay healthy, parents should be clearly aware of their role and the related issues that cause their child’s weight to increase before starting to address weight loss for their child. in a healthy way.
Parents are the problem and the solution.
Children gain weight because their parents feed them too much and do not plan for enough exercise. There are many reasons why parents do not manage the amount of food their children consume at each meal of the day. It is the relaxation in diet that causes children to fall into a state of overweight and obesity.
Children eat too much and move and exercise too little
Moreover, while children eat too much, they move and exercise too little. When parents begin to understand that weight gain is not beneficial for their child, they also begin to realize the role they play in solving their child’s weight problem. Therefore, to avoid taking on two roles at the same time, parents should create the most reasonable eating, sleeping, and exercise habits for their children from the beginning.
Children are not educated about eating.
Usually when choosing food, most parents do not know what foods their children should and should not eat. And of course, children will eat in the spirit of whatever you provide them. If from the beginning, parents find out and make their children aware that there are many foods that are not good for their health and which foods are good for their children to eat.
In daily eating, if children are not educated, they will not consciously observe and identify why, or what may be bad, when eating too much at meals. Once they are educated, children take pride in becoming good stewards of their bodies through activities and nutrition.
Overweight children are a problem for the whole family.
When children are overweight, parents need to solve the problem based on the following criteria: solving the weight problem is the number one priority for the whole family. Otherwise, children may feel different treatment among members and this may lead to shame. Get the whole family involved in helping your child lose weight with the child’s self-esteem in mind so that the child knows that the whole family will help them and ensure this will be successful.
Your child is at an “ideal weight.” This means your child does not have a “normal” weight range based on criteria calculated from the child’s gender, height, and age. With those ideal standards, children also require a certain number of calories per day. Therefore, to avoid children being overweight, mothers should help their children not exceed normal weight and should know how many calories they need to receive from food sources each day.
Parents need a plan to help overweight children.
Losing weight is not an overnight problem. Because parents need to first change the habits and lifestyle of their entire family, while there are many external factors that influence this. Especially when overweight children always have special emotions every time they see food and managing them to stay away from food is very difficult, requiring a detailed plan and perseverance and patience.
Many parents fail because they do not have a solid, long-term plan for success in losing weight in their children.
Weight management for children, an important aspect of their health and development. This process not only affects the child’s body but also his spirit and mind, and can be tied to his future health.
We have seen that weight is not the only determinant of a child’s health. Instead, we need to consider many different factors such as diet, physical activity, psychological condition and home environment. It is important to promote a healthy and balanced weight management process to avoid placing unnecessary pressure on children.
In addition, it is necessary to discuss the right to choice and respect for children with abnormal weights. For children who are underweight or overweight, support and assistance should be provided to help them develop a positive relationship with their body. Respecting and encouraging children’s self-confidence is important so they can cope with weight challenges.
Ultimately, weight management for children requires understanding, respect and support from family, school and community. We need to work together to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop a healthy body and strong mind, while also considering the importance of building a healthy environment.
By NewYork News9 and GPT